Many patients in our practice and in the community suffer with anxiety, depression, ADD, ADHD, as well as many other cognitive issues. There is a scarcity of treatment options within our area. Proper diagnosis and treatment is key for overall wellness. We are excited to announce that we have on staff with us, Dr. William T. Jordan, Psy. D. Dr. Jordan covers most areas of mental wellness but has a specific concentration on helping patients with:
-Anxiety Disorders
-Depression and Loss Counseling
-Mood Disorders
-Substance Use Disorder
-Trauma and Situational Stress Disorders
CIMA is very committed to your total wellness and being a local medical leader in providing this added service. We have truly “doubled down” on the wellness aspect and our dedication to you our patients. Existing CIMA patients or those from other medical groups not receiving medical care at CIMA can call and self-refer to see Dr. Jordan. All you need to do is call the Revolutionary Wellness Center or CIMA medical secretaries and they will assist you in seeing him.